Esther had a big matter to speak to her husband about. This was truly a matter of life and death, a whole nation as well as her own life was in jeopardy. She was unsure how to approach this situation, unsure what to say or do. Esther then did one of the smartest, nobelist things toward her husband and for her nation. She sought God in the matter. She told her maidens to seek God. She instructed her nation to seek God on this behalf.
Let's bring that into today's context. How many times do we have a bad day whether at work or home dealing with little ones or TEENS. Someone has upset us or something bad has happened. We of course want to share it with our best friend, our husband, ut in our excitement or frustration we lay it on them as they walk in the door. (Guilty as charged.) Sometimes taking a breath before they are due to be home and simply seeking the Lord for the proper spirit works wonders. The new can wait till everyone says their hellos and calm down. Many times once I have shared things with the Lord I find the matter is taken care of or my spirit is right now and can share it plainly and simply without myself getting in the way of the message I need to tell him. It also allows me to know when the time is right to speak with my husband. Praying before you speak to anyone husband, child, parent, or friend is always a wise thing to do. Realize we will give an account for all our words. Matthew 12:36 "But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment."

After a hard day of being out in the world our husbands need to come home to the beauty of the bride he married. We need to prepare our selves physically for our husbands, like we did when we were trying to win him. Put on nice clothes, do your hair and make-up for him and smell pretty for him. When we would go out on a date with him we would never let him see us in old sweatpants, old ratty t-shirt, hair and make-up undone. No, we made an effort to look our best. What changed? Just because we said I do nothing changed he is now our husband and we should, if anything work on it more. We need to now keep his heart, now that we have won it. Proverbs 31:11 says "The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil." Whether we want to admit it or not there are other women out in that world who are out for our man. There are temptations out there that are wanting to draw him away from us and lure him into spoil. These strange woman use flattery and praise as their weapons of alure. Proverbs 5:3 "For the lips of a strange woman drop as an honeycomb, and her mouth is smoother than oil:" Dear christian wife it would do you well to read about the strange woman in proverbs and learn as Esther did the way to present yourself before your husband so that he will have no need for spoil. So ladies just because our office is now home we need to make an effort to look attractive for our husbands and learn to build him up instead of tearing him down. Make him feel that he is still the king in your eyes as Sarah said Abraham calling him lord.
Titus 2 Talk
P.S. ~ Some of you ladies may no longer have a husband then what? In Proverbs 31:1 "The words of king Lemuel, the prophecy that his mother taught him." The person who is speaking is the mother of king Lemuel, who is teaching her son what to look for in a wife. Our sons and daughters need you to be the example. They too need to be taught the lesson of Esther.
I have decided to start writing about some of the lessons that I have learned in my going on 18 years of marriage. Yes, I know that there are several more qualified to blog on this and yes I am still learning. That is basically what life is about a journey of learning. I will start by saying that when I was first married I was living a lie. I was to everyone who saw me a God fearing, born again child of God. I did everything from sing specials and work with kids and lead others to the saving knowledge of Christ. I walked it, I talked it but, in my heart I knew the truth I was lost. If I would have died then I would have been one of those crying "Lord, Lord did I not do all this in your name" I felt that salvation was not as easy as everyone made it out to be I had to do something. The Lord finally reached my wicked, evil heart. It took a combination of several things, but to sum it all up I looked in God's mirror of the fruit of the spirit and I then could no longer fool myself. I WAS LOST and there is only ONE WAY TO HEAVEN. I gave my whole heart to Him and Kimberly did NOTHING to deserve it or earn it. So I was now a saved wife and mother of two. In all this I found I had been one of those wives that torn down her house and did nothing to build it up. I had become a nagging, argumentative, incontinent, hateful wife and mother.
As journey's go I have recently been watching preaching DVDs on submission and anger by S.M. Davis. I am thinking to myself where were these back when I was a new wife and mother. When I watched the first one on anger the devil comes to my mind and say well you already ruined your kids, they are too old for you to now turn them around. Why you have teens (16 & 17)! This is a big lie straight from the mouth of Satan! While yes I messed up and raised them in anger I have asked for forgiveness and now am pleading mercy on this case and God can and will make beauty and glory come from this. All I must do is retrain myself and my children and let God work within my life and my children's life. Have I seen fruit? Yes! OH YES! Do I see some falling? Yes! Does that mean to give up? NO
Titus 2 Talk
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